
Compose is a web-based music notation tool that enables users to import, edit, create, assign, and share their own music. Within Compose, teachers can create original notation from scratch or import previously made notation files. Compose is included with all subscriptions.


When sharing content from Compose, it can easily be assigned to students and opened in the MakeMusic Cloud Practice tool.

In the Practice tool, students can play the piece along with full MakeMusic Cloud accompaniment and real-time assessment.

Students can also access Compose to explore their own creativity, complete composition assignments, and share creations with their teachers and peers.

What you can do with Compose


Import your own content from MIDI, MXL, MusicXML, or SMZ files.


Edit the music notation from any file that has been imported.


Create original compositions or exercises directly in the Compose tool.


Assign content to students, whether it was imported or created within Compose.

Compose resources

Free composition resources, lessons, and activities

12 Composition Prompts for Students


Ready-made lessons and activities

Helping Students Build the Creative Muscles to Compose

Adding Letter Names (AlphaNotes) to Noteheads
in Compose

Finale v27: Sharing in Finale

Composition Tips with Wynn-Anne Rossi

FREE video lesson series

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